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Basic Engineering Design Services
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Basic Engineering Design services are the most important engineering design activity for working on any Greenfield or Brownfield projects. Attaquant, which primarily deals in providing engineering design and several other related services, has been offering basic engineering design services for various sectors of industry to its clients in India and around the globe.

Basic Engineering is carried out to take the process from a lab-scale to a pilot or a commercial scale. Developing a Basic Engineering Design requires a detailed study for working out the final process, which is obtained through a series of simulation of the laboratory scale process and then incorporating required engineering input so that the process is workable. Once the Basic Engineering Design is prepared, detailed engineering is carried out for setting up the commercial plant.

Our engineers have the expertise and commitment to overcome all technical challenges and prepare projects of any size, anywhere. Our services and deliverables include:

Preliminary site layouts

  • Preliminary architectural & Structural design approach.
  • Process design basis development, Process flow diagrams, material movement analysis.
  • Equipment duty specification & Datasheet development.
  • The electrical load's basis for HT & LT schematic design.
  • Instrumentation design approach.
  • Equipment, piping, & utility evaluation for use in the new processes.
  • Utility system evaluation.
  • Initial risk assessment & Process hazard study.
  • Establishment and overall design basis for new or expansion projects at integrating design approach.
  • Safety designs.
  • Effluent generation and disposal mechanism.
  • Updated capital cost estimation and CAPEX evaluation up to 20% accuracy.

Attaquant has been responsible for setting up standards for delivering successful basic engineering drawings and documentation for its clients worldwide. Contact us for offering of design services for working on your project.